Kids | Bearfruit Basics | Simple Christian Living Going back to basics inspired by the fruit of the Holy Spirit Mon, 26 Aug 2024 03:46:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Kids | Bearfruit Basics | Simple Christian Living 32 32 165356589 Home Birth and Everything You Wanted to Know Sat, 17 Sep 2022 17:33:40 +0000 Choosing To Have A Home Birth Do you want a home birth? Perhaps you, like me, think that the idea of a home birth seems interesting, but never amounts to anything more than just curiosity. I remember wanting a home birth, but time and time again, we end up going the hospital route for each baby. To be honest, at the time I’m young and not asking enough questions. Imagine me: fresh out of college and married at 21. I’m pregnant by 22, and start having children back to back. However, during my last pregnancy–in all honesty–what makes me look into working with midwives this time around is the out-of-pocket cost. Prior to getting pregnant, I was separated heading for a divorce. Miraculously, we reconciled. I quit my full time job to focus on our family. Because of this, we sold our enormous home and downsized to live a more stress-free life. Naturally, cost is a motivating factor for me at this point in time, as well as having some negative experiences with hospitals. So I find home birth appealing paying a fraction of the amount of what a hospital may charge you. Besides the astronomical costs of having a baby here in the U.S., I’m hoping to finally experience what it’s like to have a baby at home! Not having any family close by (ugh, tear!), I don’t have anyone that I can leave the older kids with for the multiple hospital appointments and ultimately, the birth. So in other words, I’m not the only one giving birth at home during a pandemic. Like many others, I’m loving the idea of a more natural, hands-on birth with family present. A safe place where the fears and restrictions of COVID-19 aren’t dictating how I bring my child into the world. How I Prepare My Kids For A Home Birth Preparing everyone else in the family is a pretty neat experience. First, we start by talking about what a home birth means, and educate ourselves by reading plenty of books together. Secondly, we scour YouTube videos for home births to understand what a natural birth may sound and look like. We begin to get more excited about this experience and how much everyone in the family can be a part of this birth! Looking for the Right People My next step in the process is to look for midwives I want to work with. I begin by reading reviews online, searching for midwives near me, and making phone calls to my top three finalists. Out of everyone I talk to, my favorite is Cassie from Teamwork Birthing–a team of sisters who work together. Her bubbly personality spills through our phone chat. She answers every question I have with zero judgment. Paired with her contagious happiness about bringing babies into the world, is her vast knowledge of her love for midwifery, families, and God. This is it. I’m ecstatic to find my team of midwives!!! My Experience Working With Midwives In addition to finding the best people to work with, I’m extremely happy with their services. Every appointment is on time. Their offices are full of toys for the older kids to play with. You can even find supplements, such as vitamins and natural medicines for purchase. They even educate me on birth control and what is right for my family. Never once do I feel rushed, and my husband is equally part of the process as well. Thankfully, every visit goes according to plan, and we eventually bring a beautiful baby girl into this word exactly how we planned. My water birth is awesome for pain relief and I recommend one to anyone brave enough to let their body handle the pain of child birth. We opt for delayed cord cutting (Cassie explains this below), and enjoy the first few hours of her life as we snuggle up in bed in the comfort of my own home. You can see my full review of their services by reading it on google, and if you are in the central Florida area thinking about a home birth, please check them out! All About Cassie, My Midwife, at Teamwork Birthing Because of my amazing experience with Teamwork Birthing, I ask Cassie if it’s okay to interview her for my blog. Naturally, she’s more than happy to! (The following interview has been edited for length and clarity.) Can you please tell us about yourself? I’m Cassie (Cassandra) Largaespada, LM CPM (Licensed Midwife, Certified Professional Midwife). Mom to 6 kids, I gave birth to four and adopted two. I had my first baby at a hospital and the next three at a birth center. I didn’t know about home birth back then but if I could go back, I would definitely choose a home birth. What made you want to become a midwife? My hospital birth was not a good experience and I felt out of control and not listened to. I decided to find care where I was able to make choices alternative to the mainstream recommendations. What is the difference between a doula and a midwife for those who don’t know? A doula is a labor support person with no medical training. They support the emotional and physical needs of the mother and are a perfect compliment to the mother’s partner. A midwife is medically trained to take care of low risk women prenatally, during birth and postpartum. A midwife takes the place of an OB unless things become high risk. How long have you been a midwife or working with mothers and babies? I have worked in the birth community for 17 years. I was a doula for 10 years then went to midwifery school for 3 years and have been practicing as a midwife for almost 4 years. What would you say is the biggest misconception about midwives? The biggest misconception I have heard is that midwives are the same thing as doulas or have no medical training and do not know what to do in an emergency situation. People are often surprised that we carry medication, oxygen, and resuscitation equipment. Do you offer genetic testing and/or gender testing for mothers-to-be? Yes, we offer all the same lab testing offered at an OB office. We even do it in office so you don’t have to go anywhere else. We also are ok if you decide to decline some lab testing. Do you accept vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) patients? Yes! We love to support VBAC moms. We do need to have you consult with an OB regarding the risk and benefits of a repeat C Section vs a VBAC but we do this often. Can you deliver twins or multiples? In Florida, we cannot attend twin or breech deliveries at home. Can mothers eat and drink during labor at their home birth? Absolutely, whatever and whenever you want. In fact, we encourage you to drink frequently to avoid the need for IV hydration. What is a common question you get asked a lot when meeting moms-to-be for the first time? We are often asked if we “allow” you to do different things. Our answer is consistently the same. There is nothing we allow or don’t allow. It is your pregnancy. Your birth. Your baby. We have recommendations and we have some things that would exclude us from attending your birth but everything is a discussion and you ultimately have the final say. Is anyone not a good candidate for home birth? Yes. Home birth is only appropriate for low risk moms and low risk babies. We have a risk screening that helps us determine if you are a good candidate for home birth and we have a consulting OB that will help us to determine if you are a good candidate when there are “moderate” risks during the pregnancy. By the way, AMA (advanced maternal age), high BMI, and history of infertility are NOT considered high risk in our practice or by law in Florida. We hear these reasons all the time that women think they are too high risk for home birth. Are your services covered by insurance? Sometimes. We do take Medicaid on a limited basis and we are in network with 2 private insurance companies in Central Florida. We can also bill your insurance as out of network providers and sometimes get a decent reimbursement. Our self pay rate is approximately 10%-25% the self pay cost at the hospital. Do you accept patient transfers into your care? If so, up until how many weeks pregnant can they transfer over? Yes, as long as they have a copy of their records and are low risk. We have had many late transfers even up to 40 weeks for a couple mamas. As long as the family is confident in the decision, we have seen great success with transfers. What are some of the reasons your patients have transferred to Teamwork Birthing? Some of the top reasons we have seen women transfer to us recently are families being welcomed in prenatal appointments and the birth in our care, longer appointment times (and less wait time to be seen) at our office, patients/partners not feeling heard and understood by their OB office, patients desiring to have more freedom during labor and pushing, previous traumatic birthing experiences. What kind of pain management do you offer? We do not offer any medical pain management during labor. However, midwives say the birth pool is our epidural. Obviously, it does not take away the pain, but it can give a great deal of relief. We also try to reframe the thoughts around labor pain and remind mamas that labor pain is different than any other pain in your life. It is pain with a purpose. It is empowering and women have been doing it since the dawn of time. We know that fear makes labor more painful so we aim to bring as much peace and safety to the birth space. What is delayed cord cutting for those of us who haven’t heard that before? There is a wide variety of delayed cord cutting. In the hospital, that typically means 1-2 minutes. For us, we rarely cut a cord (unless there is an emergency that necessitates it) until after the placenta is delivered and whenever you are ready. How much does a birth with midwives cost? Our global package including all care and labs is $6,000. Is there a limit to people being present for the birth? There is no limit to people being present at your birth. We want you to have all the support you need. We do encourage only having those present who fully support home birth and only those you are ok being completely naked in front of. Giving birth is very vulnerable and intimate and if you feel you are “being watched”, it will inhibit your progress. What is one of the most memorable moments you have experienced delivering a baby? This is such a hard question to answer. There have been so many! But, I will say that some of the most emotional births for me have been mamas that have delivered after a loss. We are all grateful for our babies and we all have a story of how we get to where we are but these stories just get me in the feels. Cassie, thank you so much for answering all of my questions! For those in Central Florida interested in working with your team for a home birth, how can people contact you? You can visit us online at: or call 321-296-9399 Our office is located at: 5104 N OBT, Suite #109. Orlando, FL 32810 YouTube – Instagram – Facebook –

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The Ultimate Back to School Checklist You Need to Have Sat, 10 Sep 2022 16:04:25 +0000 Back to School Is a Bittersweet Time for Most Families If you are looking for a back to school checklist, most likely you or someone in your family is gearing up to get ready to go back to school. Back to school is a bittersweet time in our household. On one hand, we’re not ready to give up our lazy, summer mornings that come after late, energetic sleepovers from the night before. However on the other hand, back to school allows for a new year of excitement and starting fresh. Your children will be making new friends and enjoying new clothes. There is even some respite for us, the parents at home. In any case, one of the appealing things about going back to school (as a mom anyway), is learning what everyone is into. For starters, is my middle schooler still obsessed with Hamilton, I wonder? Meanwhile, are the boys still into Star Wars and Dinosaurs these days? Going back to school shopping is a great way to connect and bond with your child. They can express themselves and their interests by picking their favorite clothes and themes, giving insight to what’s trendy for them at the moment. Conversely, back to school shopping can also be a tiring and stressful time in your life. For example, I don’t look forward to the crowds and the frenzy back-to-school shopping brings. Because I have a budget to stay within, getting the best deals are important to me, especially when you have multiple kids (or a large family like I do) to buy things for. School Supplies Are Slightly Different for Each Child We’ve compiled a basic back to school checklist for you to save time. This checklist should hopefully create a stress-free shopping experience for you and your student. If you prefer to get your things online, I’ve linked the items to Amazon for a smoother shopping experience. In addition to this back to school checklist, I encourage you to research with your child’s teacher first to make sure you are not missing anything. Again, this is a generic, basic list that should help you jump-start the year with the main items needed for school (but might not cover everything). Of course, remember to tweak it to cover yours or your child’s needs based on their grade and age, etc. Teachers will tell you that some items are required, while other items are only optional. If you have the means to donate school supplies, you can ask teachers for their “wish list” for their classroom. Certainly, any donation helps by giving kids the materials they need to have a successful school year! Basic Back to School Checklist: What They Will Need for their Classes Back to School Checklist: What Is Needed for the Student In addition to the list, don’t forget to see if your state has a tax-free week where you can take advantage of your back to school purchases. Back to School Checklist for High Schoolers Undeniably, the older kids are still going to need the basic school supplies. As has been noted above, that list includes: Also, did you know that Amazon offers a program just for students? (I just learned about this, too!) It’s called Prime Students, and it includes a lot of added features to really enhance your student’s journey through school. At the present time, if you are a student (or your child is old enough for their own account), you can sign up for Prime Student and receive discounts and deals such as: As a result of signing up for Prime Student, you can enjoy a free trial, and then prime monthly fee is discounted off the regular price after that. Lastly, many other places also provide student discounts, such as cell phone services, school programs, and travel industries. So, be sure to check out other student discount programs that you can take full advantage on! Back to School To-Do List Getting ready for back to school is not just about a list of physical items you need to purchase. For instance, it’s also about preparing yourself and your student for a prosperous start by making sure you handle everything on your to-do list before school starts. Therefore, here are some other things to keep in mind when getting ready for school: Kid’s Physicals Does your child need a physical to go back to school? Check with your state’s regulations to see if they need one to start school. If so, make sure you schedule one with their doctor or local pharmacy. Scheduled Bedtimes When it comes to preparing for back to school, getting everyone on schedule begins with having a set bed time. Try to train your bodies for earlier bedtimes (if you’ve been ignoring the clock all summer). For the most part, bedtime at my house tends to be, well, a mere suggestion. 😑 We are getting better though! It’s horrible how bedtime hits and that’s when everyone all of a sudden remembers how thirsty they are, or about the clothes they forgot to fold and put away earlier on in the day. Having a set bedtime helps everyone wake up in time to leave for school or catch the school bus in the morning without feeling groggy. Adjusting a few nights before school starts with a set bedtime will help the mornings go by without a hitch. Clean Out Closets Another advantage of getting ready for back to school, is taking the time to clean out closets. Things the kids have outgrown or worn out this last summer can be thrown away or donated if it’s still in good shape. Make some room in dressers and shoe racks for new clothes and shoes to take on the adventurous school year ahead. Checklist for the Younger Ones at Home If you have multiple children, there are some things I highly recommend you have for the young ones at home who aren’t quite ready for school, but are impacted nonetheless. Medicine Unfortunately, the start of a new school year usually means new germs. Getting sick is a normal part of childhood. With the older kids going to school, make sure you are prepared for sniffles and coughs by having children’s medicine on hand. I highly recommend this medicine, as it does not include all the unnecessary artificial dyes and ingredients, and touts to leave out all artificial sweeteners, preservatives, parabens, alcohol, and no common allergens. It is also certified gluten-free, vegan, and non-GMO. Nursery Updates Having the kids back in school leaves a huge void of entertainment for the younger crowd in my household. Here are some things that help me keep the younger ones amused at home while the older ones are away at school: New School Year, New Habits! As of the beginning of this school year, I’ve tried really hard to get my night-owl, reality-TV-and-Netflix-watching self up earlier. Undoubtedly, as a Christian mom it’s important for me to try and squeeze in morning worship before the kids go to school. But, sometimes it can be difficult to make that happen with the rush of things and there are some days I struggle to get morning worship done. In any case, having a daily devotional book really helps me stay on track with making sure Jesus is at the center of our day. As we gather in the morning getting ready for the day to start, I love pausing for a few minutes while every one munches on their breakfast. We read and pray over one another before we all leave for the day. If you haven’t done worship (especially in the mornings), I challenge you to try! You will see a huge improvement in your family’s communication, behavior, and even daily gratitude. In Conclusion Back to school is a great time to start fresh. Begin by using a basic back to school checklist to prepare for the new school year ahead. Again, keep in mind that this blog only covers some generic suggestions for some basic back to school needs. Not to mention, it’s important to follow up with the teacher! Next, declutter and donate old clothes and shoes that no longer fit to free up space for new clothes and shoes. Remember to include Jesus in your daily routines to have your focus remain on Christ throughout the rush of the busy day! I hope this blog post has helped you prepare for back to school. How did you find back-to-school shopping? Was it stressful, or a piece of cake? Let me know in the comments below if you shopped online or in person. If you found this article helpful, please sign up for our newsletters to stay up to date on our latest blogs.

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How to Work From Home Remotely and Stay Productive With Kids Wed, 31 Aug 2022 23:14:31 +0000 Parents Juggle Responsibilities of a Flourishing Career and Their Families by Working Remote Have you ever felt the pinch of having to pick between either your career or your family? If you have, you’re not alone. Luckily, there are many remote opportunities that allow for a peaceful work/life balance. I’m blessed to have both experiences, being in office as well as work from home, throughout my career and motherhood. Once upon a time (especially before having young children), I loved getting dressed up and going to work in an office environment. I was excited to chat with my peers. In-person brainstorming sessions with my colleagues were exciting. Having this social environment helps keep my creative spark going. Family a Huge Motivating Factor to Work From Home As my family grew – and child care became too expensive and hard to come by – I explored different options. These options were mainly jobs that agreed with my stay-at-home lifestyle. As a mom, I wanted to work from home remotely. It was important for me to stay up to date with all the latest industry trends in marketing, while also being able to keep my house in order. Being home for my kids was my number one priority. While both options – working in office and remotely – each have their pros and cons, in my personal experience I believe that working from home outweighs commuting to the office. Remote work gave me a better work/life balance. Working from home gives me great joy, as I’m able to receive my children myself from school. I can adjust my hours and handle all of my projects around family time. Working remotely, I still reach my goals before any given deadline. I’m much happier being at home and in turn I give my best at work. Let’s discuss the pros and cons for working from home, in my opinion. Keep reading for some helpful advice to stay productive with kids in the house. Pros for Remotely Working From Home You Save Money Working Remotely Working remotely allows you to be frugal in many different ways. Save money on soaring gas prices, that impacts your car, bus, or train ride. Not to mention all the office clothes you don’t have to buy for your wardrobe. I don’t know about you, but I barely remember (or have the time) to pack a lunch. So, eating out was a constant when I worked in the office. Working from home, I cook my own food and save so much money! via GIPHY Be Happier in The Comfort of Your Own Home The best part about working from home – in my opinion – is being comfortable. We’ve all seen the hilarious TikTok’s on people dressed professionally waist up, but everything else (not in the camera view) might be underwear and slippers. The beauty of being in the comfort of your own home helps you be relaxed. Studies show that happiness makes people more productive at work, even up to 20% more productive than employees who are not happy. via GIPHY Be Healthier and More Productive The time not spent commuting allows you to be more productive at home, whether it’s catching up on some house work or getting a head start on your daily tasks for a successful day at work. By having better use of your time, you can develop some healthy habits as well. Maybe squeeze in an hour of exercise before work, or take your breaks outside for some sunshine and fresh air. I used to have an hour long commute, and working from home now allows me to walk my daughter to school instead of driving her there. Not only do I get some great quality time chatting with her, but I also walk just over a mile a day that I wouldn’t be doing otherwise. via GIPHY Cons for Working Remotely from Home Distractions and Interruptions However, working remotely with kids comes with its fair share of challenges – especially as mothers – such as being distracted. This Survey found that most mom and dads who worked from home early on in the coronavirus pandemic reported difficulties getting their work done without interruptions. Not to say working in the office doesn’t come with its fair share of daily interruptions as well, they are just different kind of distractions. via GIPHY Valuable In-Peron Collaborations The importance of being able to collaborate in person is not lost on me. Especially for execs like Elon Musk – who infamously gave his employees a return-to-the-office ultimatum. Working in an office with your peers still allows you to have an invaluable connection. With the rise of digital chats and video calls, working remotely has proven to be a great boost in quality of life while still maintaining your connection with your work colleagues. Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and other video chats allow employees to stay connected, even if it’s through a screen. via GIPHY Whether you’ve been working from home for a while now, or are a work-from-home rookie caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it still may be hard to stay focused outside of your work environment. Keep reading for some helpful tips and tricks I’ve found along the way to help you stay productive while you work from home – especially with kids. Work from Home Tip #1: Have a Dedicated Space for Your Home Office Not every one has the resources to have their own home office, and that’s okay! But if you can, it is truly a blessing to have your own room for privacy. Having comfortable furniture is a must. A computer desk, cozy chair, and lamps are great to set yourself up for success. Here are some options I have purchased myself and used over the years. The quality is great and I personally love these choices. If you are looking for a desk, I highly recommend this L-shape desk. The bottom draw is large enough to keep your files organized, and there is a really neat bookshelf with plenty of space for storage underneath. Place your desk next to a window for some natural sunlight if you can! And if you want a computer mat for your desk, this one is what I ordered and was great quality: This is the exact same Serta chair I bought that fit nicely with the desk. My home office definitely makes work from home a paradise! Other Options When a Home Office Is Not Possible Conversely, not every home I’ve lived in had the space to have a whole room dedicated to my office. But with a little bit of creativity I’ve seen some people turn unthinkable spaces (such as a backyard shed) into their work place! I actually sold my larger home and “downsized” to live more simply. Currently, I have multiple work stations set up all over my house. For example, I have computer desks in my bedroom, living room, and even kitchen corner. Depending on where the kids are when I need to work, I’ll pick the quietest area of the house to settle down and complete my projects. As long as you have a space that the rest of the family respects that is set up for you, it works! This laptop desk was a present to my husband from his boss that encouraged him to work from home and take care of his mental health during the pandemic. After using this more than he did, I caved and bought my own. It’s perfect for lounging on the couch while catching up on emails. If you prefer a laptop desk that doubles as a bed tray, this is the one I use: Having a place where you can work without distractions is crucial to make your work from home job successful. Set it up with comfortable furniture to turn your office dream into a reality. Work from Home Tip #2: Have a Daily Routine and Stick With It Having a daily routine will help establish your responsibilities. Not to say you cant have a flexible schedule when working from home, but having some kind of plan and schedule will help you stay on task. As a working mom, I am fortunate to have a husband who understands when I need a moment to myself to dedicate some time to my job. If your hours are a little more strict, discuss with your partner to see if you can take turns with childcare. What works for us is having a “tag-team” schedule. One of us watches the kids while the other one works and vice versa. A great idea that came highly recommended from my veteran mom friends is to work during your child’s nap time. I can attest to this advice, as the best time for me to work is at bedtime. I love a quiet house and get so much done. See if knocking out a few hours of work at bedtime can work for you too! Hybrid Schedule: Work From Home and in the Office If you’re not able to work remotely full-time, maybe a hybrid schedule will work best for both you and your employer. Even before the coronavirus shut down many businesses, I was blessed with employers that allowed me to do some type of hybrid schedule. A typical week for me might have been half-days in the office and working the rest of the day from home, or a few days in the office and a few days working remotely. The key here is to keep open communication with your supervisor or boss. As long as you are able to perform your job duties without any problems, a hybrid schedule can be a great solution. Working a hybrid schedule gives you the best of both worlds by being able to see your co-workers some days, as well as having a better handle with things at home. Take advantage of work-from-home days, perhaps you catch up on much needed sleep, or get a few loads of laundry during your break time. Work from Home Tip #3: Create a To-do List To Stay On Track As mentioned earlier, having a schedule is crucial to having a successful work from home schedule, especially with kids. Creating a to-do list will keep you stay centered by itemizing all your assignments for the day. Treat your work-from-home day no different than if you were in the office. By asking yourself what needs to be accomplished for the day, you can stay focused and continue to excel in your profession. Work from Home Tip #4: Don’t Waste Time on Social Media This is probably the biggest fear for most employers – but please don’t waste time on social media when you are supposed to be working. Unfortunately, some people take advantage of “working from home” by not working at all. Don’t be that employee! via GIPHY Leave your errands for your break time, lunch, or after your work day is over. Try to limit distractions from the TV, your phone, and other electronics that you wouldn’t have access to working in office anyway. When working from home, being available and having your work completed when you say it will be completed is crucial to making your work-from-home gig successful. Employers have started monitoring their employees, and honestly, who can blame them? If you are on their payroll, your activity during work time shouldn’t be a mystery. Emails, browsers, and collaboration tools are all easily accessible. If you are given the opportunity to work from home, then please still give your all and report your time honestly and fairly. (The bible says, “Blessed are they who observe justice, who do righteousness at all times!” Psalm 106:03) Work from Home Tip #5: Get Help With Childcare If Needed If you find that working from home has too many challenges with your children present, reach out for help! Friends and family members who are capable of watching your babies are more than happy to lend a...

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The Best Easy Peasy Banana Muffins Recipe Wed, 24 Aug 2022 21:48:38 +0000 I buy way too many bananas every time I go shopping. It’s an easy snack, healthy, and great for smoothies. However, if you can’t eat them fast enough, they go bad – quick! This is why I’ve perfected the art of making banana muffins! If you find yourself in the same pickle as I do – with plenty of bananas that have reached the mushy stage – don’t through them away just yet! I have the best, easy-peasy banana muffin recipe to use. It’s so easy, even the little ones can make it. Not only do they come out perfect every time, but the best part is you can customize this recipe to add whatever you want. What’s So Special About Banana Muffins? According to WebMD, bananas contain many nutrients that help lower your risk of stroke, prevents kidney stones, keeps your muscles strong, and your bones healthy. Bananas have fiber, and contains vitamins A, C, B6 and Magnesium. They also keep your blood pressure and cholesterol in check, as well as reducing any inflammation. So to sum it up, there are good for you. Not just for your body, but they make some great jokes too. If your family is anything like mine, we love to laugh. Knock, knock? Who’s There? Banana Muffins! Okay, I’m sure you’ve heard this joke before, (but in case you haven’t it goes like this): “Knock, knock!” “Who’s there?” “Banana.“ “Banana, who?” “Knock, Knock!” (repeat “Banana” and “knock knock” a few times before you answer with “Orange”) “Orange, who?” “Orange you glad I didn’t say Banana?“ Never underestimate a cute banana joke, especially when mushing up bananas at the same time. One of my favorite puns about bananas is this one: “You need to be extra nice to bananas, or else you’ll hurt their peelings.” LOL via GIPHY For more hilarious, clean humor about bananas to giggle about while you make banana muffins with the kiddos, you can always check out more banana jokes here. So back to baking: Grab your old, mushy bananas, a bowl, and the following ingredients below, and let’s get started! Shopping List Here are the things I recommend that you’ll need: Banana Muffins Recipe And that’s it! You did it! Banana muffins in five simple steps. via GIPHY So instead of throwing away mushy bananas next time, please give this a try. If you enjoyed this post, you can stay connected with Bearfruit Basics by following us on instagram and signing up for our newsletter! Did you make the recipe? I want to see! Please tag @BearfruitBasics on Instagram.

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The 4 Simple Christmas Gift Ideas for Minimalists Sat, 25 Dec 2021 03:41:06 +0000 All I Want for Christmas Is… Christmas can be such a joyful, and special holiday for families. However, it can also be a stressful time for those who might not have the means and funds. We want to lavish our friends and family members with gifts and presents, even if we can’t afford to. A few years ago, our family adopted what we call the “four asks” for Christmas. This is a great way to keep Christmas gift giving stress-free. Basically, we are trying to narrow down the Christmas items we all ask for. Not only does this help with finances, but it also helps our children be more intentional with what they want. By doing the four Christmas gift ideas, they are more appreciative of what they do get and learn to cherish it more. I also notice that they receive much more quality gifts, since we don’t bombard them with smaller, cheaply-made toys. Gift Ideas for Minimalists The four simple Christmas gift ideas are great for those wanting to minimize their lifestyle. Although I myself am not a minimalist, it’s a goal of mine every time I declutter and clean to get rid of things I don’t use or that no longer fits me – thank you Covid lockdown. Donating or selling clothes makes me feel great knowing I’m helping people as well as creating more space in my house. (I might obsess slightly over Marie Kondo’s folding technique and cleaning up method!) The four asks are very simple and goes as follows: 1. Something You Want This one is an easy one and probably the most favorite of my kids. Instead of preparing a long list for Santa Clause full of all their “wants”, they slim it down to the very most important present they truly want. Prepare yourself to receive multiple versions of this Christmas lists and hearing an excited child declare, “Wait, mommy, can I change my answer?” If they start early enough, you’ll know what they really want when they haven’t changed their answer in a while. If you’re kids are a little too young to really know what they want, a quick google search can be helpful for you to find out what Christmas gifts are trending at the moment. Amazon also recently just launched a “Toys We Love” section to reveal the most popular holiday toys. 2. Something You Need This Christmas gift helps expand their thinking into something more than toys and entertainment. It helps children realize that other things (especially things we consider normal or mundane) are actually gifts as well. I’ve seen new shoes, socks, even underwear pop up in this category. My daughter did effectively argue why she “needed” a Chromebook for her homework. “Everything is online nowadays anyway,” she successfully giggled. “And if it can be a touchscreen, that would be great,” she gleefully added. I did cave and get her one, but the price was significantly cheaper than I thought! Asking for something you need is a great Christmas gift idea to really get kids to ponder the difference between a necessity and a frivolous holiday gift. 3. Something to Wear Our kids tend to ask for new Christmas pajamas for this one, but you can get creative with this Christmas gift category. Think outside the box, as it doesn’t just have to be clothes! Asking for something to wear can range from new eyeglasses, to jewelry, to makeup, to a comfy spa bathrobe. I’ve always loved new slippers every Christmas, as boring as that may sound. We don’t wear outside shoes in the house so I have a great need for them once the year is up. Of course, a new fancy dress or clothing items still make it on the list, too. 4. Something to Read This Christmas gift is a favorite for the whole family. The topics range from comic books, to gardening, to history books, to novels. Getting age-appropriate books are great, but it’s also a neat idea to get your kids something a little more challenging to read. Nothing beats spending the day after Christmas, snuggled up with a blanket, and a new book. In conclusion, these four Christmas gift ideas aren’t hard rules we follow, but somewhat of a guide. Our children might get a little more than four presents each, especially when you include presents from loving grandparents, proud aunts and uncles, and excited cousins. If you are wanting a more refined and precise Christmas list full of Christmas ideas that are very well thought out, try the four Simple Christmas Gift Ideas!    P.s. Have you tried making your own Christmas room spray? These non-toxic recipes will help your house ring in the holidays with the sweet scents of Christmas. It’s safe for your family and pets, and makes a great homemade gift as well! If you found this article helpful, sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on our recent blog posts and be entered to win our giveaways.

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How To Protect Your Mental Health on Social Media Mon, 21 Dec 2020 08:09:34 +0000 New Phone, Who Dis? When social media first came on the scene, we embraced it as an amazing way to stay connected with family and friends–especially when life takes you far away. Although being on social media has its perks, more often than not, it can become very damaging on your mental health if not used correctly. Let’s explore ways you can protect yourself from the negative side effects while browsing online. Establish Healthy Habits Online The link between real life and social media is very complicated. What we see online is a carefully, curated selection of pictures that highlight the greatest accomplishments of people’s lives. We don’t tend to show when we lose a job, the nasty break-up, or when we think we’re failing at life. Instead, we choose to feature the amazing new house, the gorgeous outfit snapped at the right angle, or the shiny, new haircut styled perfectly. For this reason, browsing through our social media tends to increase anxiety and depression. When all we see are the success stories from our peers, we harshly judge our own success (or lack thereof). Many social media influencers are guilty of also feeling the pressure to conform to an unrealistic beauty standard. There are so many apps that people use to distort their bodies in their pictures that, surprisingly, look very realistic! Comparing yourself to other people online (especially during pregnancy and the difficulty of motherhood) can help feed into mom guilt. Don’t compare someone else’s filtered or photoshopped picture to your real life body. Real skin is not blemish free, and it’s extremely common to have stretch marks, acne, scars, cellulite, and saggy skin! Negative Side Effects of Social Media Some side effects from social media use that can take a toll on your mental health are: It’s a good idea to keep track of your thought patterns to know when social media can be taking a negative toll on your health. Take a Break From Social Media and Detox If you feel that being on social media is making matters worse, the best way to protect your mental health on social media is by taking a break! We can take action against any feelings of unhappiness that arouse from browsing online by detoxing from social media. Things you can do to take a break: Unfollow People Who Don’t Make You Happy! If no one has told you yet, then I’ll tell you know: Stop stalking your ex! The people who are no longer in your life do not need to be taking up space in your head. Whether it’s an ex from a romantic relationship, an ex-friend, an ex-business partner, or whatever the case may be, it really is good to let it go! You are allowed to block, unfollow, or delete people from your feed that cause you any type of anxiety or apprehension. The beauty of social media is that YOU get to control what YOU see. If there are posts that are upsetting to you, there is no need to have them on your news feed. Focus Less on Social Media and More on Real Life Focusing less on social media and more on real life is a lot easier said than done! The value of maintaining friendships offline is irreplaceable in comparison to scrolling through your feed and feeling inadequate about your appearance or where you are in life. Studies have shown there is a link with heavy social media use and an increased risk for depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts. Your feelings of jealousy and dissatisfaction are valid. Over time, it’s very likely to have accumulated a large lists of people you follow. It might be a good idea to go through your list of people and organizations that you follow and give it a good scrub. Mute, block, or unfollow people who are no longer adding to your joy. We can thank technology and smart phones for being able to use social media out of pure boredom. Another way to spend time when you feel lonely is to invite a friend out for coffee, pick up a new hobby, or indulge in some very well deserved self-care activities. To sum it up, establishing healthy habits online might not come easy, but it’s vital to protect your mental health. Take a break and detox if need be, unfollow anyone that makes you unhappy, and try to be present in real life! Put your phone away and enjoy every moment you can. Stay connected with Bearfruit Basics by following us on instagram and signing up for our newsletter!

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