How to Make DIY Homemade Laundry Soap Recipe

DIY Laundry Soap recipe from bearfruit basics

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Why Use DIY Laundry Soap?

The first time I looked up a homemade DIY laundry soap recipe, was when my son was around one year old. It was evident that he had developed eczema.

At this time, his skin is so agitated, dry, and cracked. I begin to try everything I can to make sure I’m doing the best for his health.

So we take him to get an allergy test, and this proves to be a huge help! After the results come in, we start to eliminate all of the foods that he is sensitive and/or allergic to.

Although changing his diet starts to clear up most of his skin issues, my research into eczema also reveals more.

The Dangers of Using the Wrong Laundry Detergent

There are things that we put on our skin that have an impact on us.

For example, the wrong laundry soap can have a negative impact on our skin, especially to those suffering with eczema. Some detergents have chemicals that irritate your skin, thus triggering eczema.

If you are a mom with a child or family member with eczema, getting rid of the chemical dangers around you can understandably be your priority!

In addition to laundry soap, also check out your household cleaning spray and aerosol sprays that could have a negative impact on the toxins in your house.

Perhaps if you’re short on time, or if your preference is to purchase a laundry soap detergent instead of making your own, look for “clear” and “free” alternatives. These detergents promise to be free of perfumes and dyes.

Simple and easy laundry soap recipe

Homemade DIY Laundry Detergent Recipe

Not only is creating your own laundry detergent a healthier, chemical-free alternative, but it is also extremely economical! Whatever your reason may be to try making your own laundry soap recipe, here is the recipe I have used for years with great success.

To answer the obvious question: yes, it actually cleans clothes very well!


Here are the ingredients you need to create your own laundry soap:


  1. In a large container with a lid, mix together 2 cups of washing soda and the grated bar of Castile soap.
  2. Add about 1 teaspoon of lemon essential oil and mix well. If you prefer a different essential oil, feel free to customize it to your liking. I recommend lemon essential oil. This helps to remove stains and has a refreshing, clean scent.
  3. When you are ready to run a load, add about 3 tablespoon of this powder to your washer where the soap goes. Add 1/2 cup of white vinegar where you would usually put the fabric softener. White vinegar will help whiten, brighten, and eliminate odor, all while softening your clothes at the same time.

Our homemade DIY laundry recipe has worked wonders for my son’s skin. (Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and am only sharing what has worked for us in regards to his eczema. Please consult with your family physician for a professional, medical opinion.)

Have you ever tried making your own homemade laundry soap recipe? Let me know in the comments below! Follow me on instagram at @bearfruitbasics for more DIY tips!

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