DIY | Bearfruit Basics | Simple Christian Living Going back to basics inspired by the fruit of the Holy Spirit Mon, 26 Aug 2024 03:46:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 DIY | Bearfruit Basics | Simple Christian Living 32 32 165356589 How to Make DIY Homemade Laundry Soap Recipe Tue, 08 Mar 2022 16:00:00 +0000 Why Use DIY Laundry Soap? The first time I looked up a homemade DIY laundry soap recipe, was when my son was around one year old. It was evident that he had developed eczema. At this time, his skin is so agitated, dry, and cracked. I begin to try everything I can to make sure I’m doing the best for his health. So we take him to get an allergy test, and this proves to be a huge help! After the results come in, we start to eliminate all of the foods that he is sensitive and/or allergic to. Although changing his diet starts to clear up most of his skin issues, my research into eczema also reveals more. The Dangers of Using the Wrong Laundry Detergent There are things that we put on our skin that have an impact on us. For example, the wrong laundry soap can have a negative impact on our skin, especially to those suffering with eczema. Some detergents have chemicals that irritate your skin, thus triggering eczema. If you are a mom with a child or family member with eczema, getting rid of the chemical dangers around you can understandably be your priority! In addition to laundry soap, also check out your household cleaning spray and aerosol sprays that could have a negative impact on the toxins in your house. Perhaps if you’re short on time, or if your preference is to purchase a laundry soap detergent instead of making your own, look for “clear” and “free” alternatives. These detergents promise to be free of perfumes and dyes. Homemade DIY Laundry Detergent Recipe Not only is creating your own laundry detergent a healthier, chemical-free alternative, but it is also extremely economical! Whatever your reason may be to try making your own laundry soap recipe, here is the recipe I have used for years with great success. To answer the obvious question: yes, it actually cleans clothes very well! Ingredients Here are the ingredients you need to create your own laundry soap: Instructions Our homemade DIY laundry recipe has worked wonders for my son’s skin. (Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and am only sharing what has worked for us in regards to his eczema. Please consult with your family physician for a professional, medical opinion.) Have you ever tried making your own homemade laundry soap recipe? Let me know in the comments below! Follow me on instagram at @bearfruitbasics for more DIY tips!

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The 4 Simple Christmas Gift Ideas for Minimalists Sat, 25 Dec 2021 03:41:06 +0000 All I Want for Christmas Is… Christmas can be such a joyful, and special holiday for families. However, it can also be a stressful time for those who might not have the means and funds. We want to lavish our friends and family members with gifts and presents, even if we can’t afford to. A few years ago, our family adopted what we call the “four asks” for Christmas. This is a great way to keep Christmas gift giving stress-free. Basically, we are trying to narrow down the Christmas items we all ask for. Not only does this help with finances, but it also helps our children be more intentional with what they want. By doing the four Christmas gift ideas, they are more appreciative of what they do get and learn to cherish it more. I also notice that they receive much more quality gifts, since we don’t bombard them with smaller, cheaply-made toys. Gift Ideas for Minimalists The four simple Christmas gift ideas are great for those wanting to minimize their lifestyle. Although I myself am not a minimalist, it’s a goal of mine every time I declutter and clean to get rid of things I don’t use or that no longer fits me – thank you Covid lockdown. Donating or selling clothes makes me feel great knowing I’m helping people as well as creating more space in my house. (I might obsess slightly over Marie Kondo’s folding technique and cleaning up method!) The four asks are very simple and goes as follows: 1. Something You Want This one is an easy one and probably the most favorite of my kids. Instead of preparing a long list for Santa Clause full of all their “wants”, they slim it down to the very most important present they truly want. Prepare yourself to receive multiple versions of this Christmas lists and hearing an excited child declare, “Wait, mommy, can I change my answer?” If they start early enough, you’ll know what they really want when they haven’t changed their answer in a while. If you’re kids are a little too young to really know what they want, a quick google search can be helpful for you to find out what Christmas gifts are trending at the moment. Amazon also recently just launched a “Toys We Love” section to reveal the most popular holiday toys. 2. Something You Need This Christmas gift helps expand their thinking into something more than toys and entertainment. It helps children realize that other things (especially things we consider normal or mundane) are actually gifts as well. I’ve seen new shoes, socks, even underwear pop up in this category. My daughter did effectively argue why she “needed” a Chromebook for her homework. “Everything is online nowadays anyway,” she successfully giggled. “And if it can be a touchscreen, that would be great,” she gleefully added. I did cave and get her one, but the price was significantly cheaper than I thought! Asking for something you need is a great Christmas gift idea to really get kids to ponder the difference between a necessity and a frivolous holiday gift. 3. Something to Wear Our kids tend to ask for new Christmas pajamas for this one, but you can get creative with this Christmas gift category. Think outside the box, as it doesn’t just have to be clothes! Asking for something to wear can range from new eyeglasses, to jewelry, to makeup, to a comfy spa bathrobe. I’ve always loved new slippers every Christmas, as boring as that may sound. We don’t wear outside shoes in the house so I have a great need for them once the year is up. Of course, a new fancy dress or clothing items still make it on the list, too. 4. Something to Read This Christmas gift is a favorite for the whole family. The topics range from comic books, to gardening, to history books, to novels. Getting age-appropriate books are great, but it’s also a neat idea to get your kids something a little more challenging to read. Nothing beats spending the day after Christmas, snuggled up with a blanket, and a new book. In conclusion, these four Christmas gift ideas aren’t hard rules we follow, but somewhat of a guide. Our children might get a little more than four presents each, especially when you include presents from loving grandparents, proud aunts and uncles, and excited cousins. If you are wanting a more refined and precise Christmas list full of Christmas ideas that are very well thought out, try the four Simple Christmas Gift Ideas!    P.s. Have you tried making your own Christmas room spray? These non-toxic recipes will help your house ring in the holidays with the sweet scents of Christmas. It’s safe for your family and pets, and makes a great homemade gift as well! If you found this article helpful, sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on our recent blog posts and be entered to win our giveaways.

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How To: Make Your Own Homemade Room Spray with Essential Oils Ready for Christmas Fri, 17 Dec 2021 17:38:17 +0000 It’s Beginning to Smell a Lot Like Christmas with This DIY Room Spray! This homemade, essential-oil infused, DIY room spray is an easy and all-natural air freshener you can make for your room or bed linens. Firstly, Christmas is by far our favorite holiday in my house. The kids are eager to put up the Christmas tree, the hubby loves Christmas music playing in the background, and I’m all for the magic of Christmas lights down the neighborhood. But what’s better than seeing Christmas? Smelling Christmas! Nothing smells more like Christmas than gingerbread, peppermint, cinnamon, and freshly cut Christmas trees. The best part about this Christmas room spray is being able to customize it to your liking! Why Make a DIY Non-Toxic Room Spray? It’s no secret that most commercial sprays are laden with toxins and chemicals. When it comes to your air quality in your home, did you know that air inside your home is actually more polluted than outside air? Products for household cleaning and maintenance rank high for pollutant sources. For this reason, we have to be careful with what we allow inside our homes. The Cons of Using Toxic Air Sprays: The website, Beyond Toxic, states these following dangers of using air fresheners: As a result of using toxic air sprays, you may be sacrificing your health for something that just smells good. There have been many recalls for room sprays, so be careful. Most importantly, there are plenty of reasons why you should consider a non-toxic, homemade version. Let’s explore some of those reasons next. The Pros of Using Non-Toxic, DIY Room Sprays: Christmas Room Spray Materials To make this Christmas room spray, all you need are these three simple, non-toxic ingredients with no harsh chemicals: You can mix and match oils to make your own signature scent for a custom-made Christmas room spray! To clarify, make sure you use distilled water instead of tap water. The impurities in tap water could alter your room spray. Christmas Room Spray Instructions Step 1: Bottle and Essential Oils Start with a 4 oz bottle. I recommend using a dark, glass bottle over a clear, plastic one. This will protect the essential oils since sunlight can accelerate the expiration date. Some essential oils are even potent enough to break down plastic. If essential oils are stored correctly, you can expect them to have a very long shelf life. Use 30-50 drops of essential oils depending on how strong you want the scent. Some people like the scent a little stronger; this is safe since it won’t be used on your skin. Keep reading for recipe ideas below! Step 2: Add Witch Hazel Take your unscented witch hazel and fill your bottle halfway (approximately 2 oz). Having a funnel really helps with the pouring! Let this stand for a minimum of 10 minutes. Witch hazel will allow the water and oils to combine to help your Christmas spray last longer and linger in the air more. Step 3: Add Distilled Water Once you have given the essential oils and witch hazel time to marinate, fill the rest of the bottle with distilled water (approximately 2 oz). Make sure you leave a little space at the top for when you screw on the spray top. Shake well every time you use it. Spray in the air, on your furniture, or linens and enjoy! Christmas Room Spray Recipes Now that you know how to make a Christmas, non-toxic room spray, it’s time to check out these cool recipe ideas. Remember, you can experiment and use your own scent mix to make your favorite spray. Play with the number of essential oils drops to make the scent weaker or stronger. Don’t forget to write down your room spray recipe so you can replicate it later if you like it, for instance. Citrus Mint Christmas Spice Silent Night Gingerbread Cookies Christmas Tree Candy Cane Morning Star Christmas Cheer Conclusion In conclusion, it’s best to let your spray sit for at least a day to marinate and really blend well together. Don’t forget to shake well with each use! Let me know in the comments below if you tried any of these recipes, or if you have a recipe of your own you prefer instead that you can share with us. We’d love to try it! Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on our recent blog posts and be entered to win giveaways. Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

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Easy DIY Natural Lip Scrub Recipe With Sugar and Honey Sat, 16 Oct 2021 00:48:53 +0000 Homemade, All-Natural, DIY Lip Scrub Recipe? Don’t Mind If I do! Putting things on our skin (let alone lips) without reading and understanding the ingredients is a big risk. These days, we are fortunate enough to be educated on toxins and how they effect our bodies and health. If you are looking for a quick, simple – and most importantly – healthy way to keep your lips soft and smooth, this DIY, all-natural lip scrub recipe is perfect for you! Why Should You Use a Natural Lip Sugar Scrub? Did you know that your lips are part of your throat? Not only does a lip scrub help improve the look and feel of your lips, but an exfoliating lip scrub helps remove dead skin. Your lips will be able to easily absorb a moisturizer you put on after you have exfoliated. How Often Should You Be Exfoliating Your Lips? Great question! The answer depends on your skin type. You can exfoliate once or twice a week if that is sufficient for you. If your lips tend to be on the dry and flaky side, you can use a lip scrub on them daily. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, your lips should not feel irritated or raw after using a lip scrub. If you experience any discomfort, you may be scrubbing too often or too harshly. A great tip from Chapstick for when to use your lip scrub, is to pick a dedicated time for your beauty routine. This can be done either in the morning or for your bedtime routine. Sticking to a schedule means you are less likely to forget about it. Best Ingredients for Your Natural Lip Scrub Recipe A huge advantage of making your own lip scrub is being able to use healthy and natural ingredients. Not to mention, if you are frugal and enjoy saving money, making things your self is a great way to be financially savvy! The best ingredients for a lip scrub consist of two elements. The first being something that you can exfoliate with. The second element is something you can moisturize with. The reason both parts are vital in your scrub is because you want to remove dead skin, while at the same time replenish and hydrate your dry lips. Recipe for DIY Sugar and Honey Lip Scrub Below is a lip scrub I have personally made for myself and find the results to be quite lovely! We will be using sugar as the exfoliator. We’ll use organic virgin coconut oil and honey as the moisturizer. Make sure to use regular coconut oil and not fractionated coconut oil. Fractionated coconut oil removes the lauric acid naturally present in virgin coconut oil. This means it does not have the antimicrobial properties that regular coconut oil has. Ingredients: Other Ingredient Alternatives Exfoliators If you don’t have sugar or prefer to use something else, you can experiment with coffee or ground spices. You can also use brown sugar over white sugar for a gentler scrub on your lips. Moisturizers If you don’t have coconut oil, consider using jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, olive oil, or another carrier oil you have on hand. Directions Mix all ingredients together and store in an airtight container. Apply by gently scrubbing your lips in a circular motion. Rinse your lips with warm water and pat gently with a face towel. It’s recommended to use a spoon to scoop out your keep your lip scrub fresh. Your DIY lip scrub should keep for about 3-6 months if you use a clean spoon and keep it sealed. Let me know in the comments below if you tried it! Stay connected with Bearfruit Basics by following us on instagram and signing up for our newsletter!

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How To Clean Dirty Silver Jewelry with DIY Recipe Wed, 06 Oct 2021 05:53:51 +0000 My grandmother would clean her silver plates with ketchup. Word on the street – from her Puerto Rican neighborhood – is that the acidity from the tomatoes react with the tarnished silver. I remember watching her scrub plate after plate and her silver forks and knives in a bloody mess of ketchup. After barely seeing a difference, I nod approvingly as she pinches my back fat to show me what she was up to. Since then, I use a different method (that is way less messy than ketchup lol) and in my opinion, much more effective way to clean silver! Toxic Silver Cleaners There are many diverse ways to clean silver, but unfortunately some include toxins. So why are some silver cleaners bad to use? For starters, the scent alone is unpleasant and releases harmful chemicals into your household. This is bad for you and any children or pets in the household. Some silver cleaners may contain ammonia, a harsh chemical. states this about ammonia poisoning: “Exposure to high concentrations of ammonia in air causes immediate burning of the eyes, nose, throat and respiratory tract and can result in blindness, lung damage or death. Inhalation of lower concentrations can cause coughing, and nose and throat irritation.” No muy bueno, if you ask me. via GIPHY Secondly, many silver cleaners will attack the silver by stripping away its silver molecules. Instead of taking away from your silver, you can reverse the tarnish build up by using a simple, safe, and easy homemade DIY silver cleaner. All-Natural Silver DIY Cleaning Recipe If you have silver pieces laying around that you no longer use because it has oxidized and turned rusty and brown, this recipe is for you. Before you throw your silver pieces away, or lock them in your jewelry box for good, here is a simple DIY hack to clean silver and make it shine as good as new right in your own kitchen! ✨ This recipe is safe, extremely simple, and the best part: SO EASY! All you need is: Watch a demonstration here, or read instructions after the video: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Bearfruit Basics•Living Simply (@bearfruitbasics) Steps to Clean Your Dirty Silver Jewelry Disclaimer: I have only tried this method with real 925 sterling silver, and 10k, 14k, and 24k gold. I don’t know how this would work on costume jewelry. Follow me on instagram at @bearfruitbasics for more DIY tips!

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How to Make Non-Toxic, DIY Simple Homemade Cleaning Spray Sat, 11 Sep 2021 05:14:30 +0000 Homemade Cleaning Spray Solution I must admit, I never did think about the dangerous chemicals in my household cleaning spray until having children. Seeing my toddler in their high chair, I realized that the only thing I had to use to clean up their food tray was a bleach bottle (or something similar). A quick internet search can show you the dirty truth about using a toxic cleaning spray. Not feeling comfortable with the ingredients listed in my household cleaning sprays, I began searching for a healthier, non-toxic alternative. Because of this, I found out that you can clean by using simple, household items with no harsh adverse effects. Why You Should Ditch Toxic Cleaning Sprays We’re all aware of pollution outside our homes, but sometimes we forget to be vigilant with eliminating toxins inside our home. Using household cleaners with dangerous chemicals in them – for example ammonia – can induce physical symptoms such as: Some people can be more at risk for severe symptoms than others. If you have asthma, you may notice your symptoms being triggered more after using something harmful. So instead of using these things, how about using something healthier? Even better, you can make your own! All you need is a secret ingredient: What’s the Secret Ingredient for Homemade Cleaning Spray? Vinegar! Vinegar is the super star when it comes to cleaning sprays. White vinegar is mildly acidic, with a pH of 2.5. You can use white vinegar to clean, deodorize, and disinfect. Vinegar can even kill mold. This vinegar cleaning spray will clean just about anything. However, something you do NOT want to use it on would be granite countertops. Frequent use of vinegar on your granite can dull the shine of your precious stone. Regular soap and warm water works best for these kinds of countertops. For everything else, check out this cleaning spray recipe to do the trick. Cleaning Spray Ingredients You only need four simple ingredients for this recipe, with two of them being completely optional! How to Mix Them Together The ratio for water and white vinegar varies. I have seen 1:3 ratio of 1 part white vinegar to 3 parts water. I’ve also read that the more white vinegar you have, the stronger and more potent your spray can be. I personally prefer 1:2 ratio of 1 part vinegar to 2 part water because this is what works for me. I counteract the vinegar smell with essential oils. Vinegar does have a smell to it, I’m not going to lie, but if you add a citrus scent such as lemon or orange, it can smell very fresh and clean. Here is my recommendation: A nice mix of essential oils to try is grapefruit (15), lemon (5), and lavender (10). Mix and match your favorite scents and see what you like! The Takeaway In conclusion, making small changes – such as swapping out your toxic spray for a healthier version – might not seem like much in the moment, but in the long run it helps keep toxins out of your house. It’s cost effective, too! P.s. If you like creating your own cleaning recipes, check out this non-toxic, silver cleaner recipe. This is a quick and chemical-free way of polishing your gold and silver. Let me know in the comments if you use your own homemade cleaning spray, I’d love to hear about it. Follow me on instagram at @bearfruitbasics for more DIY tips!

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How To Make Homemade Natural Deodorant Sun, 07 Mar 2021 09:33:01 +0000 Homemade Natural Deodorant That Actually Works! Did you know that it’s healthy to sweat it out? Okay, great, but that doesn’t mean you have to smell your BO either. Natural deodorant allows you to still sweat (which is actually healthy and necessary for your body to flush out toxins) while killing the nasty bacteria that produces odor at the same time. Are you looking for a natural, homemade deodorant that actually works? If so, then this simple recipe is for you! Why Is Store-Bought Deodorant Bad For Me? Firstly, store bought deodorant isn’t BAD for you–it just depends on what kind you buy and the brand that makes it. When I am not using my homemade natural deodorant, I personally use this natural deodorant alternative. Not only does it smell amazing, but they promise to be free of “aluminum salts, artificial fragrance, filler ingredients, propylene glycol, phthalates, or parabens.” Most stores carry antiperspirants or deodorants, some made from naturally derived and others not. Unfortunately, many of these products contain harmful ingredients that are not good for your health. Antiperspirant blocks your body from sweating. We actually have to sweat in order to get rid of toxins. Some of the ingredients inside store antiperspirants, such as a metal called aluminum, is for blocking perspiration. The problem with this (and many other unsafe ingredients), is that it may cause gene instability in breast cancer. Does Antipersperant Really Cause Cancer? According to the National Cancer Institute: “Because underarm antiperspirants or deodorants are applied near the breast and contain potentially harmful ingredients, several scientists and others have suggested a possible connection between their use and breast cancer. However, no scientific evidence links the use of these products to the development of breast cancer.” Although there is no clear link to cancer, many institutions are declaring that more research is needed to find more solid answers. If you are wanting to not take that risk, a natural deodorant helps eliminate that threat. Ingredients In Antiperspirants Parabens, Aluminum, Phthalates, Triclosan, artificial colors and fragrances, are some of the ingredients you can find in antiperspirants, just to name a few. These are preservatives, metals, and chemicals that can cause symptoms such as allergic reactions, gene instabilities, unusual hormone activities and skin irritation. How Long Will It Take For My Body To Get Used to Natural Deodorant? A reason why many people quit a natural deodorant, is because they don’t give their body enough time to adjust to a natural deodorant. It can take as little as a few days to a few weeks for someone’s body to reset its ecosystem. For example, if you are hoping to transition into using a natural deodorant, something you can try first is doing an armpit detox. The gist of it is to reset your body by removing any build up from previous antiperspirants and to flush out previous toxins in your body to give you a fresh start. Ingredients in Homemade Natural Deodorant The ingredients in natural deodorant are not only safer for you, but also contain antibacterial ingredients. Coconut oil and tea tree oil acts as a natural disinfectant, since both contain antibacterial properties. Baking soda is a popular option for natural deodorant due its well-known ability to absorb odors. Arrowroot powder or cornstarch helps to combat moisture, while essential oils (such as lavender or sandalwood for a more earthy tone) provides a pleasant scent. Please Note: When it comes to using citrus oils (such as orange, lime, or lemon), please be aware that citrus oils are among the most common essential oils to cause photosensitivity. These oils greatly increase UV sensitivity. Be safe in the sun by either omitting citrus oils in your DIY recipe, or make sure you are using sunblock and protecting yourself from any negative reactions. Deodorant Recipe #1 Homemade Deodorant (Regular Version) I have been using this recipe for homemade deodorant for years. You can use either arrowroot powder or corn starch (whatever is in your kitchen!) Mix all the ingredients together, and store in an air-tight container. I use a mason jar 🙂 Deodorant Recipe #2 Homemade Deodorant (For Sensitive Skin) Unfortunately, there are some drawbacks for using baking soda in your deodorant. According to an article in “Baking soda isn’t designed for the skin. It’s much more alkaline than your skin, which could disrupt your skin’s natural pH balance.” If you find yourself having some kind of reaction to this formula–such as itchiness, redness, scaly skin or a rash–you can try the recipe below with less baking soda and more arrowroot powder or cornstarch. Regardless of which recipe you choose, it’s important to do a patch test first. This will help you see if you experience any discomfort with natural deodorant. Remember you can adjust the recipe accordingly so that it suits you! Stay connected with Bearfruit Basics by following us on instagram and signing up for our newsletter!

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Five Easy Ways How to Be Frugal (and Not Cheap!) Fri, 20 Nov 2020 01:50:30 +0000 Firstly, let’s get one thing out of the way: learning how to be frugal does NOT mean being cheap. Being frugal means you are thrifty and economical. You know how to get the best value for your buck by carefully spending what you have without being wasteful. Being frugal means getting quality things for amazing prices or deals. “Okay, Guess How Much I Paid For This?” That is my go-to question every time I show my family or best friends something new I bought. (Well, something new for ME). The hilarious thing is that everyone knows I’m the queen of frugal city, so giving me a low-ball number tends to be the best way to go. There Is a Difference Between Being Frugal and Being Cheap Being cheap – in my humble, honest opinion – means that you want to save money, regardless of what product or service you get. You’re not really interested in the value of your item, only the cost. The problem with being cheap, is that you might buy something of less quality because you’re excited about not spending too much money. Learning how to be frugal is different than being cheap because you look for ways you can still get a great bargain without compromising the quality of the product or service you are looking for. Five Different Ways How You Can Be Frugal Whether you are a single-earning household, or have multiple streams of income, saving money and spending smart can be a talent that you are interested in tapping into. See my five tips below to learn more: How to Be Frugal Tip #1 Buy Used Instead of Brand New Items My first tip in being frugal is one that I practice often. I love owning gently used, second-hand items. You can get clothes, books, cars, even jewelry for amazing deals once you start looking outside of the traditional places that sell them brand new. Pawn shops offer jewelry, electronics, instruments, and power tools you can find for a fraction of the price in comparison to buying brand new from a store. You can even go online and easily search for used items. Sellers offer direct shipping or it might be available for pick up if it’s local. A few online places I highly recommend browsing before buying something brand new in order to stay frugal are: Another tip I love that I want to share to be frugal is buying refurbished. I buy refurbished electronics items all the time! My latest purchase was this renewed vacuum cleaner, that I was able to grab for a fraction of the price because it was refurbished! How to Be Frugal Tip #2 Do It Yourself Another frugal tip of mine is doing things yourself. I believe in paying professionals what they are worth, and I stubbornly stand by the saying, “you get what you pay for.” However, if you feel that with a bit of time, dedication, and elbow grease, you can do something yourself, then do it! Some easy projects you can save your dinero on are: If you are lucky enough to know someone who is knowledgeable in the area, reach out to them first. For step-by-step lessons on how to fix something, paint something, or simply just to learn how to do it solo, YouTube is the clear winner here! How to Be Frugal Tip #3 Shop Smart A huge money saver in our family is shopping smart. What do I mean by that? If you absolutely have to purchase a big ticket item (and let’s face it, we all get smacked with an unexpected expense at some point in our adult life) shopping smart is the way to do it. Before going to pricey department stores, check out outlets first. Chances are outlets have the same thing you are looking for only for a fraction of the cost. My friend got a significant price discount off a brand new fridge because it had a ding in the front door. Now a magnet happily covers the imperfection and she is as happy as can be. If you can wait to schedule big purchases around holidays, I can guarantee you a huge deal! Holidays to look out for (just to name a few) include: Shopping smart is the best way to get what you need at a fantastic deal without compromising the quality. How to Be Frugal Tip #4 Up-Cycling Old Furniture If you haven’t heard of up-cycling before, it basically means taking something old, broken, or unwanted and repurposing it into something new. In order to up-cycle, you have to see the potential. Others might see a beat up or worn-out piece of furniture, but you can see it revived and being brought back to life. A good tip is to look at the “bones” of what it is, to see what it COULD be. Imagine pieces with a fresh coat of paint or different knobs and handles. Can something be rescued and repurposed? For inspiration, you can find thousands of examples of up-cycling furniture online. My favorite places to find furniture to up-cycle are: Some ideas you can try to up-cycle are: All of these ideas are just the tip of the iceburg. When it comes to up-cycling and re-purposing items, the sky is the limit. How to Be Frugal Tip #5 Plant Your Own Food / Cook At Home Planting your own food might not be for everyone, so I’ve also added “cook your own food instead of eating out” as another way to save on money. Growing your own food can be as simple as having a kitchen herb garden, to a more complex backyard set up with raised garden beds. Learning to grow your own food can drastically reduce your grocery bill. You would have to learn all about gardening, when to plant and when your crop is ready to be harvested. (This is on my to-do list of learning myself!) The other option of being frugal with food is to cook at home instead of eating out. For my own sanity, we have “Pizza Fridays” every Friday, where I clean the entire house and order two pizzas for everyone to eat so I get a day off from cooking. As a family, we also enjoy going out to eat from time to time. But of course, eating out adds up. In order to be frugal, I’ve started becoming more and more adventurous when it come to cooking in my kitchen. Instead of going out to eat at one of my favorite restaurants, I look up tasty meals such as Blackened Salmon Tacos or Korean Beef Bulgogi. I buy all of the ingredients myself (you guessed it, for much cheaper than going to an actual restaurant) and get my cravings satisfied while learning to be frugal at the same time. For when you do want to treat yourself and your family for a fun night out, don’t forget that many restaurants have their own local coupons, reward systems for loyal customers to redeem points or free meals, and even deals on groupon you can take advantage of. In Conclusion In conclusion, we’ve learned that learning to be frugal is NOT the same as being cheap. I encourage you to buy used, up-cycle, do things yourself, shop smart, and grow your own food – or cook your own meals and eat more at home. What are some ways you like to stay frugal? Let me know in the comments below! If you found this article helpful, sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on our recent blog posts and be entered to win our giveaways.

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